Marie's News
August 1 2013
Marie will be speaking at the NCGR conference in Sacramento
The topic will be, "Esoteric Astrology - An Introduction".
February 28, 2016!
Esoteric Astrology focuses on the Soul or Higher Mind of each person and their relationship and contribution or service to humanity. In this two hour work shop we will explore the chart placements and relationship of the Moon, Vulcan and Neptune through the lens of Esoteric Astrology - charting the path to healing individual biological karma and to see the Great Mothers Soul intention for each of us. In addition, we will perform a meditation – connecting with the Great Mother to experience her divine love.Esoteric Astrology focuses on the purpose of the soul through planetary ruler ships and the seven rays. Therefore, the natal cart is delineated from a Soul Centered perspective – showing us our Soul or Higher Mind’s intention concerning how we are to contribute to the evolution of humanity. It is a system that not only shows you what your Soul’s intent is, but also gives you the Souls highest potential in a given incarnation. After you have evolved to a certain point, your traditional chart feels like who you were. The rulers of the chart no longer represent who you are.
Esoteric Astrology is a system to be used in conjunction with other systems; it is the icing on the cake, so to speak. This system gives each of us the goal of our lives – along with the road map to reach it.
Register here
32nd Annual NORWAC ~ May 26-30, 2016 at Doubletree Suites Hotel, Tukwila, Washington (just south of Seattle)
Join Marie O’Neill for Marketing: "Getting the Word Out."
You have spent years honing your skills as an astrologer. You’re ready to make a living doing what you love. Now, how do you get the phone to ring? How do you get the word out that you are in ready for work? These are fundamental questions that all astrologers have or have had. In business there are the four P’s of Marketing: Pricing, Product, Place and Production. As an Astrologer you are an entrepreneur- these same P’s apply to your business. This talk focuses on how to develop a solid marketing plan using the four P’s.
And don't miss out on all the other amazing speakers at this event. Register today at
Toastmasters District 57
Marie attended the Toastmasters District 57 Spring Conference "Keys to the Future" on May 3, 2015 at California Maritime Academy, VallejoAdvanced Chart Reading Intensive
February 20-22, 2015The event will include two days of intensive chart work. The aim is putting the whole astrological message together rather than focusing on a single fragmentary topic.Northern California Apprenticeship Program
March 6-10, 2015

Marie will join Steven for his annual spring program in Calistoga, CA. Four days exploring the action of these two Lords of Chaos, one familiar and the other new, powerful, strange and unsettling. We’ll strive to understand their function in the birthchart, how they respond to stimulus via transits or progressions, and their own action as they move through the charts of class members chosen from our famous Sorting Hat.
The Bali Experience Conference 2015 with Alan Oken
September 4 -19, 2015
At The Umalas hotel and residence. Bali is known as "The Island of the Gods.” True to this name, Bali’s population of about 4 million people houses over 1 million temples. In fact, there are more temples in Bali than houses—and almost all of these temples are in constant use! Thus no matter its level of tourism, the true essence of Hindu Bali remains intact.
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