Padma Life Coaching Open House
June 8 2015
Saturday, June 27. 2015
1:00 to 3:00 pm
533 5th Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Get to know Marie O’Neill and the benefits she provides over refreshments. Marie will present a brief talk on: Tools to help you Thrive in Life.
Discover how a personal Life Coach can help you:
learn to listen to your inner voice
learn to make good decisions
achieve your goals quicker.
Discover how Astrology can:
help you be prepared for whatever comes your way
find the traits of your true soul mate,
provide guidance on the best careers that fit who you are.
assist you to heal old outdated beliefs,
gain insights on current issues and solutions for the issues.
Everyone who attends will receive a special gift from Marie.
RSVP at 1-800-337-7682 or by email to [email protected]
RSVP at 1-800-337-7682 or by email to [email protected]
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