The History of Numerology

"Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers." - Shakuntala Devi

When I was a kid - I was really good with numbers; so good that I was a member of the Math Club in Junior High. Then High School happened and everything changed. Why everything changed is a long story and not one I'll talk about at this time. The point is; I was an adult before getting over my fear of numbers. I'm not fantastic with numbers but the fear is gone and as long as there is a formula to follow and I know the components of the formula - I can successfully work out the solution. I'm telling you this because Numerology is a system of numbers much easier to use than any formula I've encountered.

Let's start at the beginning - well, almost the beginning. Some form of numbers has been in use for thousands of years for divination purposes. However, Pythagoras who was a Greek philosopher and mathematician living in the 6th century BCE is considered the father of Numerology. He is also the father of geometry and the Pythagorean Theorem.

Numerology is defined as a science that uses numbers as a divination tool to obtain information about a person's life. Pythagoras believed that everything in life, seen or unseen could be reduced to numbers.

Back in the day - that is during the time of Pythagoras, scientist believed that everything in the Universe (including Planets) was energy that vibrated and that energy was the cause of all things created. The question was - how to translate that energy into something that could be understood. The answer according to Pythagoras was numbers. He said that each number has a unique vibration and since the characteristics of the vibrating Universe could be translated into numbers; that numbers could be used to understand the attributes of humans, things, places and just about anything.

Pythagoras - through his study of numbers determined that all things have a predictable cycle. He also found a relationship between numbers and the alphabet which is also used in numerology. He assigned a number from one to nine - to each letter. The numbers were assigned in a natural order, for example the number one is used for letters a, j, and s; two is assigned to letters b, k, and t. Pythagoras determined that a persons destiny and character could be determined using the system of numerology.

Pythagoras' system was the beginning point. Today, the system he created has been modified and is based on Gematria, which is Kabalistic and is derived from the Greek word that means geometry. The numerical and alphabet symbols in Hebrew are the same. In the west, our alphabet is based on Latin, which means the kabalistic alphabet system has been translated into Latin for our use.

Now that we have a bit of history under our belts concerning the origins of numerology, next time we will look at the specifics of how it works, focusing on the numbers, the alphabet and what they mean.

An accessible guide to everything the simple art of numerology can reveal about your friends, loved ones, colleagues, and--especially--yourself!