Life Assessment for
Widows and Divorcees
is it that you want for the rest of your life? How do you really want to live?
What people are beneficial for you and which ones no longer serve or
support who you want to become? Are you living the life you envisioned for
yourself years ago? If not, what do you think is in your way? Why are you not
where you want to be?
time to take a life assessment. Look at what brought you to this point in
your life. I encourage you to always keep in mind that although you have
suffered a loss, you are not alone. You are never alone! All successful people
who enjoy life made a decision to take an honest look at how they were living,
identify how that differed from how they wanted to live and decided to do
something about it, and take positive action.
what was your vision for yourself? Did you ever have a vision? Have you ever
come up with a vision? If you had a vision, was it yours or someone else's? Do
you take time out to daydream? To discover who you are and think about who you
would like to be? It’s time to dream…
first part of this exercise is to take a look at where you are now and how you
got here. Ask yourself, who you are at this time in your life. What do you do?
Are you glad you do it or is this something you wish to stop? What don’t you do
that you want to start doing? What do you read? Who do you hang out with?
Answer whatever questions pop in your mind to get to who you really are right
now. Then document your thoughts on paper—it may even help you to review the
events and people who helped shape you.
yourself if what you gained was or wasn’t in your best interest. If it was in
your best interest, hold on to it. If it was not, you will need to make special
note of it and make a plan to change it. Keep in mind that most of the people
who influence you have or had no intention of doing so. Remember, you also
influence others whether you intend to or not. I’m saying this because this is
not a blame game and it is not a time for you to feel sorry for who you
may or may not be.
that you have looked back over your history and determined how you arrived at
where you are today, it is time to look at what your needs are for a balanced
future. After all, this is what life is all about; finding that seemingly
unattainable balance in our lives so that we can live the robust, full and bold
life we were meant to live. It is in our best interest to stay balanced in
assist you with this, allow me to share the five key components you must look
at to achieve your goals and to stay balanced. If they are weak our goals are
suspect. They are: Intention; nurturing self; Self-Esteem; Boundaries; and
Beliefs. This is your foundation. Without a solid foundation your life is on
shaky ground. When these areas of our life are balanced life flows easier and
we are happier and more fulfilled.
It is time you start living a balanced life. You can also take the free 5 day e-curse "Starting
Over: Recreating your life after divorce or the death of a spouse.”
This after-all is the first day of the rest of your life.
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